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darkroom equipment click to hear : darkroom equipment

Material required to process film and to print photographs in a darkened room.
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enlarger lamphouse elevation control baseboard enlarging lens bellows negative carrier lamphouse head height scale red safelight filter height control column

enlarger click to hear : enlarger

Device that projects a usually enlarged negative image in black and white onto light-sensitive photographic paper.

lamphouse elevation control click to hear : lamphouse elevation control

Device that lifts the lamphouse head so that the negative holder can be inserted into the enlarger.

baseboard click to hear : baseboard

Base plate on which a photographic paper is placed.

enlarging lens click to hear : enlarging lens

Optical system made up of a set of lenses fixed on a mount; it transfers an enlarged image of a negative onto photographic paper.

bellows click to hear : bellows

Lightproof instrument of varying length; it is used to focus the image on photographic paper.

negative carrier click to hear : negative carrier

Device with two opaque plates that holds the negative flat between the light source and the lens of the enlarger.

lamphouse head click to hear : lamphouse head

Box enclosing a light source that is used to illuminate a negative.

height scale click to hear : height scale

Graduated scale showing the distance between the baseboard and the lens; it is used to determine the magnification ratio of the negative.

red safelight filter click to hear : red safelight filter

Colored filter placed under the lens to frame or focus a black and white image directly onto photographic paper without exposing it.

height control click to hear : height control

Device used to adjust the height of the lamphouse head on the column.

column click to hear : column

Serrated bar mounted on the baseboard; it is used to support the lamphouse head and to adjust its height.