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mosque click to hear : mosque

Place of worship in the Islamic religion.
mosque image
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See mosque in : french | spanish
door central nave Mihrab dome direction of Mecca fortified wall courtyard ablutions fountain reception hall shady arcades minaret service room porch prayer hall porch dome

door click to hear : door

Muslims remove their shoes before entering the mosque and always enter right foot first.

Mihrab dome click to hear : Mihrab dome

Dome decorating the back of the central nave near the Mihrab.

direction of Mecca click to hear : direction of Mecca

Mecca: the religious capital of Islam is located in Saudi Arabia; Muslim prayers are always performed facing Mecca.

fortified wall click to hear : fortified wall

Fortification that once protected inhabitants seeking refuge inside the mosque during conflicts.

courtyard click to hear : courtyard

Uncovered space bordered by the shady arcades; the ablutions fountain is located in the center of it.

ablutions fountain click to hear : ablutions fountain

Fountain that Muslims use to wash and symbolically purify certain parts of their bodies before entering the prayer hall.

reception hall click to hear : reception hall

Large room used to greet visitors.

shady arcades click to hear : shady arcades

Gallery made up of a series of arches supported by columns.

minaret click to hear : minaret

Tower from which the call to prayer is made five times per day.

service room click to hear : service room

porch click to hear : porch

Covered entrance to the central nave.

prayer hall click to hear : prayer hall

Area made up of several naves and covered with rugs; Muslims remove their shoes to pray.

porch dome click to hear : porch dome

Decorative dome atop the central nave porch.