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positions click to hear : positions

Way of holding the weapon to wield or parry a hit, depending on the direction of the tip (button); the positions are the opposite for right-handed people.
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See positions in : french | spanish
septime prime quarte quinte octave seconde sixte tierce

septime click to hear : septime

Seventh position, lower right (for a left-handed person), tip down, palm facing upward.

prime click to hear : prime

First position, lower right (for a left-handed person), tip down, palm facing downward.

quarte click to hear : quarte

Fourth position, upper right (for a left-handed person), tip up, palm facing upward.

quinte click to hear : quinte

Fifth position, upper right (for a left-handed person), tip up, palm facing downward.

octave click to hear : octave

Eighth position, lower left (for a left-handed person), tip down, palm facing upward.

seconde click to hear : seconde

Second position, lower left (for a left-handed person), tip down, palm facing downward.

sixte click to hear : sixte

Sixth position, upper left (for a left-handed person), tip up, palm facing upward.

tierce click to hear : tierce

Third position, upper left (for a left-handed person), tip up, palm facing downward.