Stress control
Stress is an increasingly widespread disease, due in most part to our lifestyle. Underestimated for a long time, its repercussions on the body are now known and the methods of fighting it are becoming increasingly popular.
Recognizing stress
Stress is a psychological response of the body to what we perceive, consciously or not, as aggression. It is accompanied by physical and psychological symptoms of varying intensity, depending on the individual, but are aggravated when stress becomes chronic. Recognizing the signs of stress, even if delayed, is the first step in controlling it.
Stress Management
To manage stress, its causes must be recognized first: family obligations, daily management, overburdened schedule, academic success of children, conflicting family or professional relations, performance desire, deadlines, traffic, lack of privacy in public transportation, etc. Subsequently, several approaches may be followed to attempt to ease its effects.
- Remove the causes of stress
Certain sources of stress may be eliminated by changing habits: modifying one's work hours, method of transportation, or commute to work; transferring from one department to another; improving the distribution of chores at home; hiring domestic help, etc. When stress is caused by poor personal relations, communicating with others or seeking mediator can often help to resolve the problem. Vacations can also be a good way to break the daily routine and provide distance from a situation.
- Fight the effect of stress
Another approach to stress management consists in releasing nervous tension or fighting its effects. There are several specific relaxation techniques (yoga, meditation, tai chi, massage, etc.), but any leisure activities contribute to relieving stress: reading, shows, nature walks, gardening, meetings and social activities. Practicing a sport is also an excellent means of alleviating stress.
- Change of attitude
Certain people will foresee a problematic situation like a challenge to overcome; others, like a mountain to move. This perception of events and the reaction that it creates are personal components of stress. A variety of techniques can be learned to approach problems more positively, through stress management, personal growth or development, visualization, sophrology, etc. When stress becomes invasive and disturbs daily life, it may be necessary to seek help from a specialist (psychologist, psychoanalyst, psychiatrist, etc.), who may recommend appropriate therapy.
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