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morphology of a butterfly click to hear : morphology of a butterfly

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head thorax wing vein cell antenna labial palp compound eye proboscis foreleg middle leg hind leg abdomen spiracle hind wing forewing

head click to hear : head

Anterior portion of the butterfly’s body containing the sensory organs and the brain.

thorax click to hear : thorax

Portion of the butterfly’s body divided into three segments; it contains the motor appendages, such as the legs and wings.

wing vein click to hear : wing vein

Protruding line that gives the wing its rigidity and enables the blood to circulate.

cell click to hear : cell

Constituent element of a butterfly’s wing contained between the wing veins.

antenna click to hear : antenna

Sensory organ made up of several segments and having mainly tactile and olfactory functions.

labial palp click to hear : labial palp

Sensory organ of the mouth having mainly olfactory and gustatory functions.

compound eye click to hear : compound eye

Organ of vision made up of thousands of facets that perceive shapes, colors, motion and distance.

proboscis click to hear : proboscis

Mouthlike part allowing the butterfly to feed through aspiration; the proboscis folds back onto itself to avoid interfering with flight.

foreleg click to hear : foreleg

Articulated member attached to the first segment of the thorax and having powerful sensory organs.

middle leg click to hear : middle leg

Large articulated member attached to the central segment of the thorax and having powerful sensory organs.

hind leg click to hear : hind leg

Large articulated member attached to the terminal segment of the thorax and having powerful sensory organs.

abdomen click to hear : abdomen

Posterior portion of the butterfly’s body made up of 10 segments and containing the major vital organs, such as the heart, the intestines and the genital organs.

spiracle click to hear : spiracle

Respiratory orifice located on the lateral portion of the thorax and abdomen; the butterfly has some 10 pairs.

hind wing click to hear : hind wing

Appendage of flight attached to the terminal segment of the thorax.

forewing click to hear : forewing

Appendage of flight attached to the central segment of the thorax.