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morphology of a kangaroo click to hear : morphology of a kangaroo

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tail pouch thigh foot digit claw forelimb snout pinna fur hind limb

tail click to hear : tail

Very muscular terminal appendage; it helps maintain equilibrium while jumping and, with the back legs, supports the body at rest.

pouch click to hear : pouch

Located on the female’s belly and having nipples; the newborn continues to develop inside it. In some species, the pouch is dorsal or absent.

thigh click to hear : thigh

Upper portion of the hind limb; its muscles provide the kangaroo with strong propulsion.

foot click to hear : foot

Powerful terminal end of the limb bearing four digits; it supports the body and has a motor function.

digit click to hear : digit

Articulated limb at the end of the foot. The kangaroo does not usually have a thumb. The 2nd and 3rd digits are fused, while the 4th digit ends in a strong sharp claw.

claw click to hear : claw

Pointy sharp corneous structure used especially to scratch and claw adversaries during combat.

forelimb click to hear : forelimb

Poorly developed articulated limb ending in five clawed digits; the kangaroo uses it to feed and to defend itself.

snout click to hear : snout

Long front portion of the head having mainly a highly developed olfactory function.

pinna click to hear : pinna

Movable outer portion of the ear made of cartilage and located on the side of the head to capture sounds.

fur click to hear : fur

Hair covering the body, mainly for maintaining body temperature; the fur insulates against cold and heat.

hind limb click to hear : hind limb

Extremely muscular articulated limb ending in four digits allowing the kangaroo to move swiftly by powerful bounds and to strike its enemies.