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skeleton of a venomous snake: head click to hear : skeleton of a venomous snake: head

skeleton of a venomous snake: head image
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See skeleton of a venomous snake: head in : french | spanish
rib vertebra quadrate parietal frontal orbit ectopterygoid maxilla fang palatine pterygoid dentary mandible

rib click to hear : rib

Highly movable curved bone articulating on the vertebrae; it plays a role in locomotion by providing support on the ground.

vertebra click to hear : vertebra

Bony part of the dorsal portion of the body mainly supporting the ribs; all the vertebrae together form the vertebral column.

quadrate click to hear : quadrate

Long bone of the posterior portion of the skull on which the mandible articulates; it allows the mouth to open wide.

parietal click to hear : parietal

Flat bone of the upper portion of the skull articulating with the frontal.

frontal click to hear : frontal

Flat skull bone forming the forehead and top of the eye sockets, and articulating especially with the parietal.

orbit click to hear : orbit

Bony cavity of the upper lateral potion of the head containing the eye.

ectopterygoid click to hear : ectopterygoid

Very movable bone of the upper jaw joining the maxilla and the pterygoid.

maxilla click to hear : maxilla

Highly movable bone of the upper jaw bearing fangs and allowing the snake to capture its prey.

fang click to hear : fang

Large curved tooth located on the maxilla and connected to the venom gland; it allows the snake to grab its prey to inject it with venom.

palatine click to hear : palatine

Highly movable thin bone of the upper jaw; with the pterygoid, it moves the prey toward the esophagus.

pterygoid click to hear : pterygoid

Highly movable bone of the upper jaw; with the palatine, it moves the prey toward the esophagus.

dentary click to hear : dentary

Bone of the mandible bearing teeth.

mandible click to hear : mandible

Toothed bone forming the lower jaw.