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morphology of a rat click to hear : morphology of a rat

Rat: omnivorous gnawing mammal with a long tail; it is extremely voracious and prolific.
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tail claw fur nose vibrissa digit pinna

tail click to hear : tail

Terminal appendage of the body covered with scales and containing blood vessels; it is used mainly for equilibrium.

claw click to hear : claw

Somewhat curved, sharp pointy structure used especially for digging and defense.

fur click to hear : fur

Hair covering the entire body, except the nose; its main function is to maintain body temperature.

nose click to hear : nose

Middle protuberance of the head with two orifices located above the mouth and having an olfactory and respiratory function.

vibrissa click to hear : vibrissa

Long tactile hair located around the nose and mouth used to detect obstacles during nocturnal forays.

digit click to hear : digit

Terminal end of the limbs formed of various articulated bones bearing a claw and used mainly to feed and move about.

pinna click to hear : pinna

External part of the ear made of cartilaginous lobes that capture sounds.