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morphology of a horse click to hear : morphology of a horse

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See morphology of a horse in : french | spanish
mane withers back loin croup flank tail thigh stifle gaskin hock cannon pastern hoof coronet fetlock fetlock joint belly knee elbow forearm chest shoulder neck cheek lip muzzle nostril nose forelock

mane click to hear : mane

Long stiff hairs (horsehair) covering the neck used mainly to chase away insects.

withers click to hear : withers

Portion of the body extending the neck and forming a protuberance above the shoulder.

back click to hear : back

Upper portion of the trunk opposite the belly between the withers and the loin.

loin click to hear : loin

Upper portion of the body between the back and the croup; it transmits forward the propulsion from the hind limbs.

croup click to hear : croup

Rear portion of the body between the loin and the base of the tail; it provides propulsion.

flank click to hear : flank

Lateral portion of the body that ripples with the action of the muscles, which allows the horse to chase away insects and warm itself.

tail click to hear : tail

Terminal appendage of the body with long hairs; the horse whips its tail to chase away insects.

thigh click to hear : thigh

Upper portion of the hind limb having large powerful muscles.

stifle click to hear : stifle

Articulation of the hind limb between the thigh and the leg formed of the patella and the skin that covers it.

gaskin click to hear : gaskin

Portion of the hind limb between the stifle and hock.

hock click to hear : hock

Articulation of the hind limb; it contributes to movement and absorbs shocks.

cannon click to hear : cannon

Portion of the hind limb between the hock and the fetlock joint supporting the horse’s weight.

pastern click to hear : pastern

Portion of the limbs between the fetlock joint and the coronet, corresponding to the first phalange of the finger.

hoof click to hear : hoof

Thick corneous casing covering and protecting the terminal end of the limb; it rests on the ground while the horse is walking and absorbs shocks.

coronet click to hear : coronet

Part of the limbs covering the upper edge of the hoof and corresponding to the second phalange of the finger.

fetlock click to hear : fetlock

Tuft of hair located behind the fetlock joint.

fetlock joint click to hear : fetlock joint

Articulation of the limbs between the cannon and the pastern forming a protuberance and acting as a shock absorber.

belly click to hear : belly

Lower portion of the trunk opposite the back.

knee click to hear : knee

Articulation of the forelimb located below the elbow between the forearm and the cannon; it contributes to movement and acts as a shock absorber.

elbow click to hear : elbow

Articulation of the forelimb between the upper arm and the forearm above the knee.

forearm click to hear : forearm

Part of the forelimb located between the shoulder and the elbow corresponding to the humerus.

chest click to hear : chest

Front portion of the body located between the neck and the limbs.

shoulder click to hear : shoulder

Upper portion of the forelimb attached to the trunk.

neck click to hear : neck

Portion of the body supporting the head and attached to the withers, the shoulders and the chest.

cheek click to hear : cheek

Protruding side of the head behind the upper jaw.

lip click to hear : lip

Each of two movable muscular folds forming the contour of the mouth and having a tactile function.

muzzle click to hear : muzzle

Terminal end of the upper lip having a tactile and prehensile function.

nostril click to hear : nostril

Each of the orifices of the nose having a respiratory and olfactory function.

nose click to hear : nose

Front portion of the head extending from the base of the eyes to the nostrils.

forelock click to hear : forelock

Tuft of long stiff hairs (horsehair) on the upper terminal end of the mane and falling onto the forehead between the ears.