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electron gun click to hear : electron gun

Device that emits electron beams toward the screen; there are beams for each of the primary colors, red, green and blue.
electron gun image
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red beam green beam blue beam grid magnetic field

red beam click to hear : red beam

Electron beam hitting the sensitive parts of the screen that are designed to emit red light.

green beam click to hear : green beam

Electron beam hitting the sensitive parts of the screen that are designed to emit green light.

blue beam click to hear : blue beam

Electron beam hitting the sensitive parts of the screen that are designed to emit blue light.

grid click to hear : grid

Electrode with openings, which allow electrons to pass through; it helps regulate the intensity of the beams directed toward the screen.

magnetic field click to hear : magnetic field

Zone exhibiting the properties of a magnet; it controls the direction of the electron beams so that the entire screen is covered.