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examples of nails click to hear : examples of nails

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finishing nail masonry nail cut nail common nail spiral nail tack

finishing nail click to hear : finishing nail

The head, scarcely wider than the shank, can easily be hammered in and concealed; it is ideal for finishing work and moldings.

masonry nail click to hear : masonry nail

Made of hardened steel, it can be hammered into masonry without breaking or bending.

cut nail click to hear : cut nail

The flat shank and head do not harm fibers; it is used especially for laying wood flooring.

common nail click to hear : common nail

Sturdy wide-headed nail, used for general woodwork and carpentry.

spiral nail click to hear : spiral nail

Turns like a screw as it is hammered in; it reduces cracking and is hard to pull out.

tack click to hear : tack

Small wide-headed nail often used to affix carpets, fabric and other thin materials.