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tools for loosening the earth click to hear : tools for loosening the earth

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See tools for loosening the earth in : french | spanish
weeding hoe draw hoe scuffle hoe hoe-fork

weeding hoe click to hear : weeding hoe

Tool with claws designed mainly for loosening and weeding soil.

draw hoe click to hear : draw hoe

Tool whose blade loosens, weeds and aerates the soil; it is also used to groom the soil around a plant.

scuffle hoe click to hear : scuffle hoe

Tool whose blade, more slanted that that of the draw hoe, loosens, weeds and aerates the soil; it is also used for harvesting root vegetables.

hoe-fork click to hear : hoe-fork

Tool with a blade, which serves as a hoe, and tines; it is used especially for making furrows.