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urban map 
Precise and detailed representation of an area of a city, usually on a large scale.
Area of a city where trees are planted; it is used for leisure.
Place where the dead are buried.
Structure that commemorates a historic event or holds aesthetic, religious or symbolic value.
Large thoroughfare with separate one-way lanes and no crossing streets; reserved for high-speed traffic.
Administrative area of a large city.
Very large, high-volume thoroughfare connecting various parts of a city.
public building 
Large building that houses public services.
Thoroughfare larger than a street; it services a district or an area of a city.
Thoroughfare built inside a city and usually lined with buildings.
traffic circle 
Junction where several roads converge on a roadway that circles a round, central island; traffic moves in one direction only.
circular route 
High-speed road that circles the downtown area, making it possible to divert traffic away from downtown or connect two outlying communities.
Small tract of land covered with trees.
Major watercourse fed by numerous smaller rivers; it empties into the sea.
All the cities surrounding a big city on which they depend economically.
railroad line 
Communications route composed of two parallel rails along which trains travel.
railroad station 
Collective term for the network of rails and the structures needed to transport travelers and goods by train.
Structure allowing a communications route to span a natural obstacle or another communications route.