meteorology The science that studies atmospheric phenomena, with a particular focus on forecasting variations in weather.
profile of the Earth’s atmosphere Atmosphere: layer of air that surrounds the Earth and is composed mainly of nitrogen (78%) and oxygen (21%); its density decreases with altitude.
seasons of the year Periodic climate changes over the course of a year; they are a function of the Earth’s inclination toward the Sun and its rotation around it.
meteorological forecast Scientific method that makes it possible to forecast atmospheric conditions in a particular region for a given period.
weather map Map representing atmospheric conditions observed in a region at a given time.
station model Method of representing information collected by an observation station on a weather map using symbols and numbers.
meteorological station The installations and instruments required to conduct meteorological observations on the ground.
clouds Fine droplets of water or ice crystal suspended in the atmosphere; the World Meteorological Organization classifies them according to 10 types.
meteorological measuring instruments Instruments designed to measure air temperature and humidity, sunshine, atmospheric pressure, precipitation and wind.
weather satellites Observation spacecraft that study the atmosphere and transmit data to Earth, making it possible to forecast the weather on the ground.
climates of the world Climate is a collective term for the atmospheric conditions (temperature, humidity, air pressure, wind, precipitation) that characterize a given region.
tropical cyclone Low-pressure zone that forms in the intertropical region and is marked by violent precipitation and swirling winds of 120 to 300 km/h.