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station model
Method of representing information collected by an observation station on a weather map using symbols and numbers.
air temperature
Sensation of heat or cold (°C) measured using an open-air thermometer shielded from direct sunlight.
wind direction
Wind direction is indicated by the position of the wind shaft.
present state of weather
Type of precipitation (present weather) noted at the moment of observation.
temperature of dew point
Temperature (°C) at which water vapor in the air begins to condense; it is used to calculate humidity in the air.
type of low cloud
Type of cloud observed between ground level and an altitude of 2,000 meters.
pressure change
Positive or negative value that corresponds to the difference between the pressure reading and sea-level pressure; it is expressed in millibars.
barometric tendency
Variation in atmospheric pressure during the three hours preceding observation.
sky coverage
Proportion of the sky covered with cloud.
sea-level pressure
Reference pressure that corresponds to the pressure observed at sea level; it is expressed in millibars.
station circle
Circle on a weather map that represents an observation station; displayed around the circle is the information collected by the station.
type of middle cloud
Type of cloud observed at altitudes between 2,000 and 6,000 meters.
type of high cloud
Type of cloud observed at altitudes higher than 6,000 meters.
wind speed
Wind speed is expressed in km/h; it is indicated by barbs and pennants whose values must be added.