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grandfather clock click to hear : grandfather clock

Clock with a pendulum that is operated by weights and housed in a tall (usually over 2 m high) straight body, which stands upright on the floor.
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See grandfather clock in : french | spanish
dial hour hand body pediment minute hand plinth chain pendulum weight Moon dial

dial click to hear : dial

Graduated face over which the hands move to indicate the time.

hour hand click to hear : hour hand

Metal needle that points at the 24 hours of a day on the dial.

body click to hear : body

Usually wooden box that houses and protects the clock’s mechanism.

pediment click to hear : pediment

Set of decorative moldings that surmount the clock.

minute hand click to hear : minute hand

Metal needle that points at the 60 minutes of an hour on the dial.

plinth click to hear : plinth

Base that supports the clock and makes it stable.

chain click to hear : chain

Series of interlaced rings to which weights are attached.

pendulum click to hear : pendulum

Unit whose regular swinging motion controls the workings of the clock’s mechanism.

weight click to hear : weight

Heavy body that hangs from the main wheel; its descent provides the necessary energy for the clock’s mechanism.

Moon dial click to hear : Moon dial

Face divided into 29 1/2 days that is represented by a moon whose movement indicates the phases of the Moon: first quarter, full moon, last quarter, new moon.