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parallel electrical circuit click to hear : parallel electrical circuit

It is divided into independent branches, through which the current flows with partial intensity (in a series circuit, all the elements receive the same intensity).
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See parallel electrical circuit in : french | spanish
branch negative terminal positive terminal direction of electron flow node shunt bulb cells battery power source switch

branch click to hear : branch

Part of the circuit between two consecutive nodes; it constitutes an independent electric circuit.

negative terminal click to hear : negative terminal

Polarity element of the battery from which the current flows through the circuit.

positive terminal click to hear : positive terminal

Polarity element of the battery toward which the current flows through the circuit.

direction of electron flow click to hear : direction of electron flow

Electrons move from the negative terminal toward the positive terminal; this is opposite to the conventional direction of the current, which flows from the positive toward the negative.

node click to hear : node

Junction point of two or more branches in the electric circuit.

shunt click to hear : shunt

It enables each device to have its own circuit and to function independently. This way, if one lightbulb does not function, the current continues to flow in the rest of the circuit.

bulb click to hear : bulb

Gas sealed in a glass envelope into which the luminous body of a lamp is inserted.

cells click to hear : cells

Devices that transform chemical energy into electric energy in order to power electric devices (here, a lightbulb).

battery click to hear : battery

Device composed of one or more interrelated cells; each one accumulates a reserve of electricity whose purpose is to supply electricity to the circuit.

power source click to hear : power source

The current leaves the battery by the negative terminal, flows through the circuit to power the lightbulbs and returns to the battery by the positive terminal.

switch click to hear : switch

Mechanism allowing the current in an electric circuit to be established or interrupted.