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cross section of a street click to hear : cross section of a street

Depiction of a network of cables and piping systems buried beneath a roadway.
cross section of a street image
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See cross section of a street in : french | spanish
main sewer gas main sidewalk manhole fire hydrant storm sewer barrier sewer service main service main electricity cable telephone cable bus shelter bus stop pedestrian crossing traffic lights curb center divider strip roadway street light

main sewer click to hear : main sewer

Large-diameter pipe that collects wastewater and sewer runoff and conveys them to a treatment plant.

gas main click to hear : gas main

Pipe that conveys gas to buildings and houses.

sidewalk click to hear : sidewalk

Pedestrian walkway bordering a street.

manhole click to hear : manhole

Hole with a removable cover for accessing the water mains.

fire hydrant click to hear : fire hydrant

A pipe connected to a water main; firefighters attach their hoses to it to supply their trucks.

storm sewer click to hear : storm sewer

Conduit connecting a building’s downspout to the sewer.

barrier click to hear : barrier

Movable fence placed across the roadway, sidewalk or elsewhere to redirect traffic.

sewer click to hear : sewer

Pipe that collects wastewater and runoff and conveys them to the main sewer.

service main click to hear : service main

Pipe that conveys drinking water to buildings and residences.

service main click to hear : service main

Extremely high-flow pipe linked to smaller distribution pipes with far smaller volumes of flow.

electricity cable click to hear : electricity cable

Cable linking an electrical power station to its users.

telephone cable click to hear : telephone cable

Cable linking a telephone exchange to its users.

bus shelter click to hear : bus shelter

Covered shelter for public transit users.

bus stop click to hear : bus stop

Area where buses stop to let passengers on and off.

pedestrian crossing click to hear : pedestrian crossing

Lane that is reserved for pedestrian traffic as indicated by stripes painted on the roadway at intersections.

traffic lights click to hear : traffic lights

Automated lighting device that controls traffic at some intersections.

curb click to hear : curb

Masonry construction bordering the roadway and built above it to control water flow.

center divider strip click to hear : center divider strip

Platform or median separating traffic lanes that go in opposite directions.

roadway click to hear : roadway

Surface upon which vehicles drive.

street light click to hear : street light

Automated device used to illuminate a public thoroughfare.