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downtown click to hear : downtown

Central district of a city where the main cultural, economic and commercial activities are carried out.
downtown image
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See downtown in : french | spanish
pavilion hotel theater opera house university courthouse city hall office building business district shopping street bus station railroad track railroad station street boulevard car dealer supermarket service station post office museum library theater educational institution cemetery church convention center hospital police station fire station apartment building park lane avenue

pavilion click to hear : pavilion

Building that houses one of the university’s faculties (arts pavilion, music pavilion, law pavilion, etc.).

hotel click to hear : hotel

Business establishment that lodges people for a fee.

theater click to hear : theater

Establishment built to present plays, shows, dance performances, concerts and so forth.

opera house click to hear : opera house

A theater that stages musical drama with orchestral accompaniment.

university click to hear : university

Buildings and campuses that make up an institution of higher learning.

courthouse click to hear : courthouse

Building that houses the courts.

city hall click to hear : city hall

Building that houses the municipal government.

office building click to hear : office building

Building that houses professional and administrative offices.

business district click to hear : business district

Area that contains most of the buildings in which the city’s economic activities are carried out (head offices, offices, banks, etc.).

bus station click to hear : bus station

Structures and facilities required for transporting people and cargo by bus.

railroad track click to hear : railroad track

A pair of parallel rails laid end to end and on which trains run.

railroad station click to hear : railroad station

Covered building for the public where trains and passengers arrive and depart.

street click to hear : street

Thoroughfare built inside a city and usually lined with buildings.

boulevard click to hear : boulevard

Very large, high-volume thoroughfare connecting various parts of a city.

car dealer click to hear : car dealer

Dealership where cars of a particular brand are sold; the owner often has exclusive selling rights to a given region.

supermarket click to hear : supermarket

Large self-service retail market that sells a variety of food and household products.

service station click to hear : service station

Commercial establishment comprising one or several gasoline pumps and carrying out general maintenance of vehicles.

post office click to hear : post office

Building where mail is processed and various postal services are offered to the public.

museum click to hear : museum

Establishment where works of art are stored and exhibited.

library click to hear : library

Building where items such as books, periodicals and audio materials are classified for consultation or loan.

theater click to hear : theater

Building designed to present dramatic performances.

educational institution click to hear : educational institution

Building that houses educational facilities (school, junior college, university, etc.).

cemetery click to hear : cemetery

Place where the dead are buried.

church click to hear : church

Place of Christian worship.

convention center click to hear : convention center

Vast building that houses the facilities required to stage a variety of events and meetings.

hospital click to hear : hospital

Establishment where the sick are given medical and surgical care and where babies are born.

police station click to hear : police station

Building that houses crime prevention personnel and offices.

fire station click to hear : fire station

Building designed to house firefighters, fire trucks and fire-fighting materials.

apartment building click to hear : apartment building

Building with several floors and apartments.

park click to hear : park

Area of a city where trees are planted; it is used for leisure.

lane click to hear : lane

Narrow road usually situated behind buildings; a lane allows public service vehicles to pass (waste collection, fire trucks, etc.).

avenue click to hear : avenue

Thoroughfare larger than a street; it services a district or an area of a city.