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Room where items such as books, periodicals and audio materials are classified for consultation or loan.
service entrance 
Entrance area used for unloading freight.
technical services 
Staff area where activities such as acquisitions, cataloging, the physical preparation of documents and collections development are carried out.
reference books 
Bookcases for shelving reference books such as dictionaries, encyclopedias and bibliographies.
attendant’s desk 
Attendant: individual who ensures that the rules of the reading room are respected.
monograph section 
Bookcases used to arrange works of nonfiction and fiction.
reading room 
Area used for reading and consulting documents.
Hall designed for the public to attend lectures and audiovisual presentations.
children’s books 
children’s section 
Room that houses children’s books for consultation and loan.
map library 
Room used to store and classify geographic and geospatial maps as well as digital materials.
microfilm reader 
Device that magnifies the text reproduced on film.
microfilm room 
Room used to consult documents reproduced on film; they are archived this way to save space.
librarian’s office 
The librarian is responsible for the administration of the library and the development, organization and management of its collection.
director’s office 
reference room 
Area for consulting reference books.
online catalogue 
Computer used to consult the complete holdings of a library using various indexes.
Equipment fitted with a photographic device, which reproduces written texts and images.
listening posts 
Individual compartments used to listen to audio materials.
sound library 
Room where audio materials such as cassettes and compact discs are stored and classified.
videotape library 
Room where audiovisual materials such as videocassettes and DVDs are stored and classified.
viewing room 
Room equipped for consulting audiovisual materials.
acquisition rack 
Rack used to display recent acquisitions.
book truck 
Table on wheels used to move books.
book return desk 
Area where users return books borrowed from the library.
periodicals rack 
Rack used to display recent periodicals.
periodicals room 
Room reserved for consulting newspapers and periodicals.
circulation desk 
Place where users check out the books they borrow from the library.
security guard’s office 
Security guard: individual responsible for supervision and security.
main entrance 
Premises designed to satisfy basic functions and equipped with toilets and sinks.