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examples of charges click to hear : examples of charges

Charge: figure represented on the shield.
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See examples of charges in : french | spanish
mullet eagle lion passant fleur-de-lis crescent

mullet click to hear : mullet

Five-pointed star whose top point is directed toward the center chief.

eagle click to hear : eagle

The eagle is the bird most often depicted in heraldry and symbolizes power; when the tips of the wings point downward, they are said to be conjoined in lure.

lion passant click to hear : lion passant

The lion is the animal most often depicted in heraldry and symbolizes strength and courage; the lion passant is a walking lion.

fleur-de-lis click to hear : fleur-de-lis

Heraldic figure often represented on old coats of arms of France and Quebec.

crescent click to hear : crescent

Crescent-shaped figure with points (horns) that usually point to the chief of the shield.