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conning tower click to hear : conning tower

The submarine’s superstructure, from which the periscopes and antennas emerge.
conning tower image
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computer room multipurpose antenna radar antenna attack periscope radio antenna navigation periscope operation control room dining room kitchen officers’ quarters

computer room click to hear : computer room

Room in which radar, sonar and other data transmitted to the submarine are processed.

multipurpose antenna click to hear : multipurpose antenna

Device that transmits and receives radio waves on an extremely broad range of frequencies.

radar antenna click to hear : radar antenna

Antenna designed to detect objects by emitting radio waves and capturing the echo they reflect.

attack periscope click to hear : attack periscope

Device used to examine the surface of the water; its discreet head allows the submarine to approach an enemy without being noticed.

radio antenna click to hear : radio antenna

Metal conductor transmitting and receiving radio waves for communications.

operation control room click to hear : operation control room

Room in which submarine combat operations and navigation maneuvers are coordinated.

dining room click to hear : dining room

Hall for eating meals.

kitchen click to hear : kitchen

Room where meals are prepared.

officers’ quarters click to hear : officers’ quarters

Room where officers rest at night or between shifts.