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hang glider click to hear : hang glider

Equipment made up of two wings connected to a harness; it is used to take off from a height and gain altitude on lifting air currents.
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king post trailing edge crossbar sail batten leading edge tube keel wing tip nose rigging wire

king post click to hear : king post

Vertical piece attached at the center of the keel; it supports the rigging wires.

trailing edge click to hear : trailing edge

Back edge of the sail.

crossbar click to hear : crossbar

Metal tube that is perpendicular to the keel and attached at the center of the two wings; it keeps the sail deployed.

sail click to hear : sail

Triangular surface made up of pieces of fabric; it is stretched over a metal skeleton to form a wing.

batten click to hear : batten

Stiff strip inserted into batten pockets on the sail to help it retain its shape.

leading edge tube click to hear : leading edge tube

One of two metal tubes running along the front edge of the sail to keep it taut.

keel click to hear : keel

Metal tube attached longitudinally to the intersection of the two wings; it supports the leading edge tubes and keeps the sail taut.

wing click to hear : wing

Horizontal surface that is acted upon by aerodynamic forces to keep the hang glider aloft.

tip click to hear : tip

Outermost portion of the wing; it forms a point.

nose click to hear : nose

Forward end of the hang glider where the two leading edge tubes meet.

rigging wire click to hear : rigging wire

One of the cables stretching from the king post to the wing structure; they increase resistance to tension.