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Sport that consists of lifting the heaviest load possible (barbell) over the head using two types of lifts (clean and jerk; snatch).
Band of fabric that is 10 cm wide or less and is worn around the wrist to support it when lifting.
sleeveless jersey 
Tight top that covers the torso while leaving the shoulders free; a T-shirt may be worn under the jersey.
knee wrap 
Band of fabric 30 cm wide or less that is worn around the knee to support it when lifting.
weightlifting shoe 
Shoe with an antiskid sole and raised heel that stabilizes the foot during lifting.
Adjustable band for tightening the shoe around the foot.
Tight shorts that end above the knees.
weightlifting belt 
Girdle that is 120 mm wide or less and supports the dorsal and abdominal muscles during lifting.
Gym equipment made up of cast-iron disks of various weights attached in equal weights to each end of a long bar, which is lifted with two hands.