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The Virtual Human Body App Now Available for iPhone & iPod touch

Montreal (Canada), October 25, 2012 - QA International (QAI) announced today its Virtual Human Body App, available on iPad since last December, is now a universal app, optimized for viewing on iPhone and iPod touch, including support for the new 4" Retina display on iPhone 5. With The Virtual Human Body, you can enjoy fingertip navigation through the 11 systems and structures of the human body depicted with lifelike imagery. The user-friendly interface of the app lets you explore and learn about the anatomy of the human body through a professional-grade virtual model and anatomical dictionary.

The Virtual Human Body App includes:

  • Lifelike depictions of 11 systems of the human body, including:
    • The Morphology (of both man and woman)
    • The Skeleton
    • The Muscles
    • The Nervous System
    • The Lymphatic System
    • The Cardiovascular System
    • The Endocrine System
    • The Respiratory System
    • The Digestive System
    • The Urinary System
    • The Reproductive System (of both man and woman)
  • Over 1000 anatomical structures named and defined.
  • An anatomical dictionary including a textual search engine.
  • Ability to view two systems simultaneously, displayed one overlapping the other, making it easier to understand the relationship between the bones, muscles and organs.
  • Two ways to locate information: by exploring systems, or via the alphabetical index and its search engine.
  • Integrated tools that leverage the Multi-Touch capabilities of iPhone, iPad and iPod touch, letting users zoom in and out, pivot the model (a variable combination of anterior, lateral, posterior, superior and inferior views is available for each system) or go deeper to view cross-sections of organs.

The Virtual Human Body App is available for $4.99 from the App Store on iPhone, iPad and iPod touch or at www.itunes.ca/appstore/. The update is free to existing users of the iPad app.