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rail transport image

rail transport
The means and installations required to transport passengers and cargo by train.

passenger station image

passenger station
Covered building for the public where trains and passengers arrive and depart.

railroad station image

railroad station
Covered building for the public where trains and passengers arrive and depart.

high-speed train image

high-speed train
High-speed passenger train (between 220 and 300 km/h) powered by electricity, with a power car at each end and a limited number of cars in between.

yard image

Set of tracks where freight trains are reconfigured to contain cargo cars with the same destination and then dispatched.

highway crossing image

highway crossing
Intersection of a railroad and a road, with or without warning lights.

streetcar image

Electrically powered vehicle for transporting people; it rolls on tracks embedded in city streets and on the edge of roadways.

types of passenger cars image

types of passenger cars
Cars: vehicles with various layouts that are pulled by locomotives, for transporting and providing services to passengers.

diesel-electric locomotive image

diesel-electric locomotive
Vehicle with a diesel engine turning a generator that in turn powers the electric traction motors.

car image

Vehicle pulled by a locomotive for transporting cargo.

railroad track image

railroad track
A pair of parallel rails laid end to end and on which trains run.

subway image

Electrified urban railroad built mainly underground for transporting passengers at frequent intervals.