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types of inflorescences click to hear : types of inflorescences

Inflorescence: the arrangement of flowers on the stem or twig of a plant.
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corymb umbel biparous cyme uniparous cyme spike raceme spadix capitulum

corymb click to hear : corymb

Inflorescence composed of a main axis and laterally borne flowers with pedicels of unequal length, all ending at the same height.

umbel click to hear : umbel

Inflorescence composed of a main axis and laterally borne flowers with pedicels of equal length, all originating from the same point.

biparous cyme click to hear : biparous cyme

Inflorescence whose main axis ends in a flower under which two lateral twigs develop; the process is repeated under each terminal flower.

uniparous cyme click to hear : uniparous cyme

Inflorescence whose main axis ends in a flower under which a single lateral twig develops; the process is repeated under each terminal flower.

spike click to hear : spike

Inflorescence composed of a main axis and laterally borne flowers with no pedicel.

raceme click to hear : raceme

Inflorescence composed of a main axis and laterally borne flowers with pedicels of equal length.

spadix click to hear : spadix

Inflorescence composed of flowers with no pedicel, all embedded in an elongated ovoid receptacle.

capitulum click to hear : capitulum

Inflorescence composed of flowers with no pedicel, all embedded in a flat receptacle.