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origin and evolution of species click to hear : origin and evolution of species

Since its formation some 4.6 billion years ago, the Earth has witnessed the genesis of continents and oceans and the appearance of animals and vegetation.
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Quaternary homo sapiens sapiens wooly mammoth Tertiary basilosaur smilodon hyracotherium proconsul Cretaceous triceratops tyrannosaur flowering plants

Quaternary click to hear : Quaternary

The most recent geological period in the Earth’s history; it is marked by glaciations and the appearance of modern humans.

homo sapiens sapiens click to hear : homo sapiens sapiens

The representative of the first modern man appeared about 100,000 years ago.

wooly mammoth click to hear : wooly mammoth

A cousin of the elephant, this fossil had a thick wooly covering and long curved tusks. It died out 10,000 years ago.

Tertiary click to hear : Tertiary

Period marked by the diversification and dominance of mammals (appearance of horses, whales and others). First primates also appeared.

basilosaur click to hear : basilosaur

About 20 meters long and somewhat resembling a snake, this marine mammal fossil was the ancestor of today’s cetaceans.

smilodon click to hear : smilodon

Carnivorous feline fossil with prominent upper canines for tearing meat.

hyracotherium click to hear : hyracotherium

About the size of a dog, this ancestor of the horse had four digits on its forelegs and three digits on its hind legs.

proconsul click to hear : proconsul

Large primate fossil, thought to be the ancestor of the chimpanzee.

Cretaceous click to hear : Cretaceous

This period was marked by the extinction of 75% of plant and animal species, including the dinosaurs.

triceratops click to hear : triceratops

One of the last dinosaurs. This four-legged herbivore had three horns and a bony cervical collar.

tyrannosaur click to hear : tyrannosaur

Two-legged carnivorous dinosaur measuring about 15 meters in length, with powerful jaws. This extremely ferocious predator had sharp teeth.

flowering plants click to hear : flowering plants

Appearing at the end of the Jurassic period, these plant species diversified widely over time; today, they form the largest group of plants on Earth.