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planisphere click to hear : planisphere

Map depicting the Earth’s two hemispheres.
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Pacific Ocean Central America Caribbean Sea Atlantic Ocean Antarctica Red Sea Australia Indian Ocean Arctic Ocean South China Sea Bering Sea Caspian Sea Black Sea Mediterranean Sea Greenland Sea North Sea Arctic Eurasia Africa Asia Europe Oceania South America North America

Pacific Ocean click to hear : Pacific Ocean

The world’s largest ocean (179 million km2), the Pacific covers 30% of the Earth’s surface, more than all of the continents put together.

Central America click to hear : Central America

Extends from the Isthmus of Tehuantepec in Mexico to the Isthmus of Panama.

Caribbean Sea click to hear : Caribbean Sea

Body of water (2.75 million km2) located between Central America and the northern portion of South America.

Atlantic Ocean click to hear : Atlantic Ocean

The world’s second largest ocean (92 million km2); it covers 20% of the Earth’s surface.

Antarctica click to hear : Antarctica

The only uninhabited continent (13 million km2), located inside the south polar circle; 98% of its surface is covered with an ice cap. Antarctica holds 90% of the Earth’s freshwater reserves.

Red Sea click to hear : Red Sea

Gulf (430,000 km2) located between Africa and the Arabian Peninsula; it connects to the Mediterranean through the Suez Canal.

Australia click to hear : Australia

The world’s largest island (7.7 million km2) is sparsely inhabited in spite of its size; because of its isolation, Australia’s wildlife is unique.

Indian Ocean click to hear : Indian Ocean

Relatively small ocean (76 million km2) located between Africa, Asia and Australia; it has high water temperatures and is dotted with numerous islands.

Arctic Ocean click to hear : Arctic Ocean

The smallest of the oceans (15 million km2), bordered by the northern coasts of Asia, America and Europe; it is largely covered with pack ice.

South China Sea click to hear : South China Sea

Southern part of the China Sea bordering the entire southeast coast of Asia as well as Borneo, the Philippines and Taiwan.

Bering Sea click to hear : Bering Sea

Northern part of the Pacific between Kamchatka (in Asia) and Alaska; it is deepest in its southern portion.

Caspian Sea click to hear : Caspian Sea

The world’s largest lake (370,000 km2), located between Europe and Asia; it has no link to an ocean and is diminishing in size.

Black Sea click to hear : Black Sea

Inland sea (420,000 km2) between Eastern Europe and Asia; it opens into the Mediterranean through two straits, the Dardanelles and the Bosporus.

Mediterranean Sea click to hear : Mediterranean Sea

One of the largest inland seas in the world (2.5 million km2); it lies between Europe, Africa and Asia and connects to the Atlantic Ocean through the Strait of Gibraltar.

Greenland Sea click to hear : Greenland Sea

Sea (1.2 million km2) in the North Atlantic; it is bordered by the coast of Greenland.

North Sea click to hear : North Sea

Relatively shallow sea (570,000 km2) in the North Atlantic and bordered by the coasts of Europe; some major European ports are located along its estuaries.

Arctic click to hear : Arctic

Vast region inside the north polar circle; it includes the Arctic Ocean and the lands bordering it.

Eurasia click to hear : Eurasia

Composed of Europe and Asia, Eurasia represents about 39% of the world’s land; it forms a true continent that geographers have distinguished for historical and ethnographic reasons.

Africa click to hear : Africa

Continent that represents about 20% of the world’s land; two-thirds of its surface lies north of the Equator. Characterized by very hot climates, Mediterranean in the north and south, tropical and arid elsewhere.

Asia click to hear : Asia

The largest and most populous continent, Asia represents 32% of the world’s land; it is dominated by imposing mountain ranges.

Europe click to hear : Europe

Western extremity of the vast Eurasian continent that, by convention, is separated from Asia by the Ural Mountains; it covers a relatively small area.

Oceania click to hear : Oceania

Continent that represents 6% of the world’s land and features a great many islands in the Pacific and Indian oceans; Australia is its true continent.

South America click to hear : South America

Represents 12% of the world’s land; linked to North America by Central America; it includes the Andes in the west and plains and plateaus in east and central regions.

North America click to hear : North America

Its area (24 million km2) represents about 16% of the world’s land; the Central American isthmus is an extension of North America.